The European University of Astrology was established with the ideal goal of Realizing God's Cosmic Teaching of unity and consonance between Man and the Living Conscious Universe, having for its cells more than a trillion galaxies, each of which is a Cosmic Human with its own Galactic Individuality and Divine Life. The Milky Way Galaxy in which we live has as its Self - the Ancient of Days, Whom all beings from the Galaxy know as their Father and Source of Being, Consciousness and Life. The Self of the Galaxy is the One Who creates the Consonance between the small and large worlds within Himself, and who gives birth within Himself Planets, Stars, Angel hierarchies and they are His cells and monads. His name from Eternity is I Am. When He projects Himself into His cells and monads, the planets and stars, He evolves and elevates them Spiritually in the eternal cycle of His Breath, which inhales and exhales planets and stars, beings, humans, angels and gods. In this process of Divine Breathing and Projection the goal is the self-knowledge and evolution of beings, as well as the Cosmic Evolution and Self-Knowledge of the Galactic Cosmic Human.
Cosmic Human has the Galaxy as his body, his cells are the planets, and the stars are his neurons. The Great Divine Hierarchies of Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim, are His physical, etheric and astral bodies. He directs them with His Macrocosmic Self, Whom they behold directly in His Divine Activity, Which realizes the Divine, Spiritual, and Physical Cosmic Actions, Feelings, and Thoughts of the Three Logos in One - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Who are His Causal Cosmic Body, Galactic Soul and Divine Spirit. From eternity he taught us Cosmic Anatomy, Cosmic Physiology and Cosmic Psychology, which today are called Astrophysics, Astrology and Cosmogony. These Cosmic Sciences of God are the main disciplines of the University.
The main task of the European Astrological University (EAuni for short) is to protect, preserve and restore in full force and richness the Ancient Astrological Teaching preserved in the Astrological and mystical cultures of Egypt, Thrace, Mesopotamia, Bulgaria, Persia, Hellas, India, Rome, and in the more recent states of Turkey, England, France, and all nations having a direct connection with these ancient civilizations; to preserve, renew and resurrect the Ancient Astrological knowledge preserved in manuscripts, books and temples and translate them into modern languages. In this process, students and educators work together to restore the Authentic Astrological Tradition in its modern evolutionary spiritualizing and uplifting to God version.
The tradition of the University derives directly from the Spirit and Consciousness of our star - the Sun, Whose Spirit and Consciousness we know as the Divine Inspirer and Teacher taught Enmeduranki, also called Zarathustra, Enoch, the First Hermes, Imhotep, Zaurid, Idris, from whom sprang the Ancient , the Modern and the Future Cosmic Teaching taught today at the European University of Astrology.
In this sense, the Spirit and Consciousness of the Sun is the Creator and Inspirer of Astrology, which studies the consonance and unity between the Small and Great Worlds. He is the One Who on the 4th day of the Creation of the Solar system in its physical form, created the Sun, the planets and their satellites to serve as signs and to show the times, days and years. He is the One Who asked the prophet Job if he knew the zodiac and the constellations and their laws of time. He is the One Who trained the three Sages in Divine Astrology to recognize His Coming and Manifestation, the first after the mother Mary and the father Joseph of the little Yeshua, called to become the Manifestor of the Cosmic Consciousness and Spirit of Christ on our Star for 3 and a half years after the baptism of Yeshua in the Jordan River.
The University respects and appreciates the values of the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Thracian, Bulgarian, Indian, Hellenistic, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Latin, Arabic, Ottoman, Spanish, French, English and Russian cultures, which were the environment for the development and manifestation of Astrology through the millennia after the great catastrophe at the end of the Atlantean period.
Astrology taught at EAuni itself is more than Science, Religion and Art because it is a Divine Being inhabiting the World of God. In ancient times, Astrology was a religion, later it became techne - an art, but today it strives to be the most powerful scientific discipline that only succeeds in predicting the path of development of human, peoples and humanity in order to be useful for evolution of the whole planet.
Neither ordinary mathematics, physics, chemistry, psychology and sociology can predict key events in the development of human and nations, in contrast Astrology, endowed with the blessing of the Christ Spirit of the Sun, can not only predict important events, but also proves it in public prognostic experiments, which are one of the main tasks in the Academic life of the Astrological University.
However, the purpose of EAuni's activity is not simply to demonstrate prediction and to restore and preserve the Ancient Astrological knowledge, but to help more and more people regardless of origin, religion, people, gender and race to achieve a conscious Cosmic Christ-Consciousness that will turn them into consciously evolving disciples in the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius - the Golden Age in the development of Astrology.
In the European Astrological University, in addition to Ancient, Ancient, Classical and Modern Astrology, Esoteric Mathematics - Algebra and Geometry according to the ideas of the Pythagorean Doctrine, Spiritually meaningful and purified from extreme materialism and atheism Astronomy and Astrophysics, as well as the basic ideas of Alchemy, will be taught, which is directly related to Astrology since ancient times. A very important part of the teaching efforts at the University of Astrology is the teaching of ancient languages. Therefore, Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Arabic languages will be taught in the Astrological University, so that students can have adequate opportunities to draw knowledge from the very original sources and authentic books and records of the ancient tradition.
The Astrological University works in an Academic style and in a team of teachers and students, and the goal is to achieve both personal and spiritual growth through the passage of education in the sacred knowledge of the Cosmos. In this sense, there will be courses in Esoteric Christianity and Cosmogony, Cosmogony of Ancient India, Persia and Cosmogony of the Sufis, Philosophy of Consciousness, as well as Psychology, seeking the real essence of the human soul in its natural and relation to the Soul of the Cosmos.
Since in a series of centuries those in power have limited, sabotaged, persecuted and mistreated Astrology and astrologers more than once, the University of Astrology is a completely independent Academic Institution from any state and religious, hidden or secular power. All educational and scientific degrees defended and awarded by the University are completely independent of any governmental or scientific organizations. The University issues a Bachelor's Certificate in Astrology after the student's studies have successfully covered the fundamentals of Astrology within three years. The University issues a Master's Certificate in Astrology after the student's studies have successfully progressed through the extensive spectrum of Astrology courses within five years. The student can defend a PhD in Astrology after obtaining a Master's degree in Astrology and after developing new scientific ideas, research and methodology in the field of some of the taught disciplines of the University in a team with a scientific supervisor from EAuni.
The lectures given at the Astrology University are given in two ways: live in the Zoom environment and through recorded video files from the archive of the lectures already given. Groups starting training for a Bachelor of Education degree must be a minimum of 20 people, and when there are enough new entrants, the group can start its training. A group of those wishing to start a Master's degree of study who have already completed a Bachelor's degree must be a minimum of 20 candidates, and when there are enough new entrants, the group can start its studies. The work of the candidates for the Doctoral degree is carried out independently under the scientific guidance of the respective scientific supervisor.
An Astrological topic can be presented by several lecturers, and this is done with the aim of maximally comprehensive understanding from different points of view and astrological schools of the topic in question. After its delivery, written and oral exams are held. Oral exams are mandatory, because through them it is really checked whether the material has been fully absorbed by the learners.
One of the main goals that the founders of the University of Astrology set for themselves is to achieve not only a complete restoration of the Academic University life of Astrology, not only to preserve the tradition of Astrology for future generations, but also to achieve a universally valid and scientifically verifiable Astrological knowledge. Only in this way will those who seek to achieve a comprehensive understanding of this ancient science and art be freed from the fragmentation of astrological knowledge that is widely seen today, especially among the educational circles of astrological societies. There are a number of opinions on given topics, but very few verified and scientifically proven concepts. It is the Academic Life in the Astrological University that can overcome this fragmentation by substantiating a comprehensive and universal Astrological Theory.
The Astrological University was created by a team of founding-professors, who in time will invite to their team more distinguished professors who work in harmony with the values and ideas of the University. In this way, a teaching team will naturally emerge and expand, which will aim to create the most developed environment and teaching system in Astrology so that EAuni students can acquire the most rich, in-depth and comprehensive knowledge and skills in Astrology.