Еnrollment at the Astrology University


Enrollment in the Astrological University by interested candidates is made after they submit a Motivation Letter, telling in essay form about their motives, ideas and aspirations that lead them to the desire to study seriously and deeply the authentic astrological tradition.

The Motivation Letter needs to describe what secondary and higher education has already been completed by the candidate and what the candidate's understanding of what the universe is and what is the place of man and humanity in it.

It is important to describe from what spiritual and/or philosophical tradition the applicant's thinking comes from in wishing to study the First Science of Humanity.

Еnrollment Form

Fields marked with * are required!
Title *
First Name *
Middle Name
Family Name *
Email address *
Mobile phone country & number *
Date of birth (day.month.year) *
 .  .    
Most used social network or internet method of communication *
Example: Facebook: fb.com/astrofilip, Skype: astrotest, Viber:359888123456, Instagram: astrotest
Native language and other languages used *

Motivation Letter *

Please enter a password to sign into the system so you can use freely accessible astrologycal materials and once approved as a student, to access all required study materials.
Password *
Password confirm *